Group: biz.aQute - All Dependencies


osgi.enroute.jsplumb.webresource · jsPlumb provides a means for a developer to visually connect elements on their web pages. It uses SVG or Canvas in modern browsers.

Jan 07, 2020
7.7k stars

osgi.enroute.jsonrpc.simple.provider · A simple implementation of the JSON RPC 2.0 specification. This bundle tracks any JSONRPC services. It assumes all public methods on the implementation class are fair game and maps to them to a JSON RPC endpoint. These methods

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.iot.pi.provider · This bundle wraps Pi4j ( that wraps the native code Wiring Pi ( It wraps these libraries to make them OSGi friendly and allow them to work together with the OSGi enRoute IoT circuit library (osgi.enroute.iot.circuit). The bundle will first use Pi4J to detect on what hardware it runs. If it runs on an appropriate type, it will register a component that can be configured with Metatype. The Metatype defines a full blown configuration template for all the Pi's functions. The GPIO's are registered as components for the circuit. Regardless of the success of the configuration, this bundle will also register a GpioController service, which is the main Pi4J class.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.iot.pi.command · Provide Gogo commands for manipulating the Raspberry Pi.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars
icon · This bundle implements an IC that takes as input the A & B motor controls from the Lego IR adapter. It translates these controls to an IR Wave that is compatbile with the lirc adapter on the Raspberry PI.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.iot.circuit.provider · Implements a Circuit Board for ICs. ICs have inputs and outputs. The Circuit board can fire events to the ICs and ICs can fire events to the board. The board then dispatches the event to the connected inputs.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.iot.circuit.command · Commands for the Circuit Admin. These command can connect, disconnect, and and show information abou the current circuit board.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.iot.circuit.application · A GUI for the Circuit Admin. This application shows the registered ICs + wires and can wire ICs together.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.hamcrest.wrapper · osgi.enroute.hamcrest.wrapper

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars
icon · HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.

Jan 07, 2020
58.9k stars

osgi.enroute.github.angular-ui.webresource · Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team. Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap. Small footprint (5kB gzipped!), no 3rd party JS dependencies (jQuery, bootstrap JS) required!

Jan 07, 2020
14.3k stars

osgi.enroute.executor.simple.provider · This bundle provides an Executor service.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.equinox.log.adapter · This bundle must be placed on the run path or test path. It will then hide the Equinox Log Service while forwarding all events to all registered Log Services. If not running on Equinox then this bundle does nothing.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.easse.simple.adapter · Provides a mapping from Event Admin events to Javascript Server Side Events (SSE). This bundle registers under /sse/1, the remaining path is treated as the topic. It will then send all matching events to the browser through SSE. The type of the event is org.osgi.service.eventadmin;topic=%s, the data payload is a JSON representation of the event properties.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.dtos.bndlib.provider · A provider of the DTOs service

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.bostock.d3.webresource · D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.bndtools.templates · osgi.enroute.bndtools.templates

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.base.test · osgi.enroute.base.test

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.base.provider · A provider of the basic packages that are part of the OSGi enRoute base API but that are not provided by any particular bundle.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.base.debug.provider · Provides Gogo shell commands that are quite se

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.base.api · enRoute is an OSGi project that creates a runtime environment for developing applications. This bundle provides the base API for this environment. In any enRoute environment you will find implementations for all the contained services. The purpose of this bundle is to be use for compilation, it must not be used in a runtime; in general, providers must carry their service packages.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.authorization.simple.provider · An implementation of the OSGi enRoute Authorization API based on the User Admin roles. For a user, the Authorization object is maintained and then all its roles are treated as permission names. The names may contain the ';' separator for parameters.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.authenticator.simple.provider · An implementation of the Authenticator API based on User Admin.

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars

osgi.enroute.authenticator.github.provider · osgi.enroute.authenticator.github.provider

Jan 07, 2020
4 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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