Group: de.sfuhrm - All Dependencies

Saphir Hash Core · Implementations of Message Digest algorithms independent of standard Java message digest infrastructure. Use saphir-hash-jca pom to add standard Java message digest infrastructure adapters.

RadioBrowser4j · RadioBrowser4j is a Java API for the RadioBrowser service at http://www.radio-browser.info/webservice

Saphir Hash JCA Provider · Adapter classes from saphir-hash message digestsd to the standard Java message digest infrastructure. Comes as a JCA crypto provider called 'SPH'.

Saphir Hash Parent · Parent maven project that builds the sub projects.

RadioBrowser4j Demo · Demonstration code to show the usage of the API

Saphir Hash Speed Test · Speed benchmark code that is probably not interesting for anyone. Compares JDK message digest implementations with those of saphir-hash.

MessageDigest Maven Assembly Handler · Calculates message digest file for the contents in a Maven archiver archive

YahooFinanceAPI · This library provides some methods that should make it easy to communicate with the Yahoo Finance API. It allows you to request detailed information, some statistics and historical quotes on stocks. Separate functionality is available to request a simple FX quote. Please check the javadoc to get a complete overview of the available methods and to get an idea of which data is available from Yahoo Finance.

GeneticAlgorithm Parent POM · Classes for implementing genetic algorithms

JAAD · JAAD is an AAC decoder and MP4 demultiplexer library written completely in Java. It uses no native libraries, is platform-independent and portable. It can read MP4 container from almost every input-stream (files, network sockets etc.) and decode AAC-LC (Low Complexity) and HE-AAC (High Efficiency/AAC+).