Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core Bundle · The core classes of Apache Jackrabbit FileVault
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core Bundle · The core classes of Apache Jackrabbit FileVault
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Validation · Provides a validation framework with SPI and API for performing validations on FileVault packages
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Sync Service · Apache Jackrabbit FileVault supplemental bundle which allows to sync the repository with some folder on the filesystem
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Diff (Diff utilities) · Provides Classes for diff and diff3.
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Command Line Interface · Provides a simple shell-like console that access the file vault.
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Package Hook Sling Example · Provides an example of a package install hook that uses a class not available in bundles classpath
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Package Hook Example · Provides an example of a package install hook
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault (Parent Project) · The FileVault introduces a JCR repository to filesystem mapping. The mapping is exposed by an API and used by the "FileVault Content Packages" which allow to create portable packages of repository content. The Vault Command Line Interface aka "vlt" provides a subversion like utility to work and develop with repository content. Apache Jackrabbit FileVault is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault RCP Server Bundle · OSGi bundle containing the Jackrabbit FileVault RCP Manager used for copying (parts of) a remote repository to the local one
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Maximum Target OSGi Environment · The bndrun files referencing a repository index (containing all bundles with their metadata) for resolving all FileVault bundles with dependent bundles in their maximum supported version
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Minimum Target OSGi Environment · The bndrun files referencing a repository index (containing all bundles with their metadata) for resolving all FileVault bundles with dependent bundles in their minimally required version
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core Integration Tests · Integration Tests for FileVault Core
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core IT Support Classes for Jackrabbit 2 Repositories · Provides repository provider for Jackrabbit
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core IT Support Classes for Oak Repositories · Provides repository provider for Oak
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core IT Execution Jackrabbit 2 Minimum Version · Executes Core ITs with minimally supported Oak version
Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core IT Execution Oak Maximum Version · Executes Core ITs with maximally supported Oak version