Spring Batch Core · Core domain for batch processing, expressing a domain of Jobs, Steps, Chunks, etc
Group: org.springframework.batch - All Dependencies
Spring Batch Infrastructure · The Spring Batch Infrastructure is a set of low-level components, interfaces and tools for batch processing applications and optimisations
Spring Batch Integration · Implementation of Spring Batch scaling techniques with Spring integration
Manager · Web and service tier of Spring Batch Admin console. Basic use cases include visualization of Batch meta data, and also launching and stopping jobs inside the webapp container.
Resources · Extensible UI framework and basic styles and layout for Spring Batch Admin console.
Samples · Example batch jobs using Spring Batch Core and Execution.
Infrastructure Tests · Integration tests for the Spring Batch Infrastructure
spring-batch-tuple · Spring Integration Tuple
Spring Batch Admin Parent · A set of services (Java, JSON) and a UI (webapp) for managing and launching Spring Batch jobs.
Archetypes · Spring Batch archetypes are simple project templates containing just enough code to get you started running a job. For more detailed examples of using particular features of the framework, look at the Spring Batch Samples project. Currently the archetypes are deployed as regular Maven projects (not archetypes), because of limitations in the archetype plugin (or our understanding of how it works). For most effective use, copy one into Eclipse and use Q4E to manage the dependencies.
Spring Batch · Spring Batch provides tools for enterprise batch or bulk processing. It can be used to wire up jobs, and track their execution, or simply as an optimization for repetitive processing in a transactional environment. Spring Batch is part of the Spring Portfolio.
Spring Batch Parent · Spring Batch parent project. Defines dependencies and common configuration for the build process.
Spring Batch Simple Commandline Archetype · This project is a minimal command line batch sample from Spring Batch. Once installed you can use "mvn exec:java" to see the job run.
Spring Batch BOM · Bill of materials for Spring Batch modules