Group: xyz.ottr.lutra - All Dependencies

lutra-wottr 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-wottr · This Lutra submodule implements readers and writers for the wOTTR serialisation format ( wOTTR is a syntax for writing templates and instances in RDF intended for publishing templates and instances on the web or for storage in a triplestore. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-tabottr 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-tabottr · This Lutra submodule implements tabOTTR ( tabOTTR is a mapping language for transforming spreadsheets into template instances. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-stottr 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-stottr · This Lutra submodule implements readers and writers for the stOTTR formalisation format ( stOTTR is a custom-built serialisation format for OTTR intended to be easy to read and write for humans (and computers!). Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-restapi 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-restapi · This Lutra submodule implements a servlet that provides a wrapper over the Lutra CLI for use as a web application. The module is built into a WAR file for deployment to a Java Web Server. The module is intended to be repurposed into a REST API. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-docttr 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-docttr · This Lutra submodule implements docTTR which is a tool of producing documentation for template libraries as HTML pages. The resulting documentation contains dependency graphs, usages, example expansions and annotations extracted from annotation instances on the templates in the library. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-core 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-core · This Lutra submodule provides a common framework that other submodules in Lutra use and extend. It includes an implementation of OTTR's data model with classes for templates, instances, types, etc.; a system for handling results and error messages; core interfaces and abstract classes for streamed pipelines for parsing and writing templates and instances; as well as implementation of the TemplateStore, a container for templates, with algorithms for checking correctness of templates and expanding and checking correctness of instances. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-cli 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-cli · This Lutra submodule provides a command-line interface (CLI) for Lutra. This modules is intended used as a Java executable. Other usage interfaces are provided by the lutra-api and lutra-restapi modules. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-bottr 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-bottr · This Lutra submodule implements bOTTR ( bOTTR is a mapping language for transforming data from relational databases, triplestores, CSV-files and other sources, into instances of templates. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra-api 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-api · This Lutra submodule is intended for use as a Java library. It has dependencies to all other modules in Lutra, except those that are used for providing executable interfaces, such as command line and REST API interfaces. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023
lutra 0.6.18

xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra · This is the parent module of Lutra. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. The common interfaces for Lutra are lutra-api (a Java API), lutra-cli (a command line interface available as a Java executable), and lutra-restapi (a Java servlet available as a WAR file.) For more information about OTTR, see

Jun 13, 2023


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