Group: - All Dependencies


Module :: DebugDyanamicPolicyProvider and SecurityPolicyWriter · Tool used to determine security policy requirements.

Jan 04, 2019
3 usages
classdep 3.1.0

Tool :: ClassDep · Tool used to analyze a set of classes and determine on what other classes they directly or indirectly depend. Typically this tool is used to compute the necessary and sufficient set of classes to include in a JAR file, for use in the class path of a client or service, or for use in the codebase of a client or service. The tool starts with a set of "root" classes and recursively computes a dependency graph, finding all of the classes referenced directly by the root classes, finding all of the classes referenced in turn by those classes, and so on, until no new classes are found or until classes that are not of interest are found. The normal output of the tool is a list of all of the classes in the dependency graph. The output from this command can be used as input to the jar tool, to create a JAR file containing precisely those classes.

Jan 04, 2019
2 usages

Tool :: Preferred classes list generator · Tool used to generate the preferred class information for downloadable JAR files in the form of a META-INF/PREFERRED.LIST required for use by the {@link net.jini.loader.pref.PreferredClassLoader}. The list is generated by examining the dependencies of classes contained within a target JAR file and zero or more additional supporting JAR files. Through various command-line options, a set of "root" classes are identified as belonging to a public API. These root classes provide the starting point for recursively computing a dependency graph, finding all of the classes referenced in the public API of the root classes, finding all of the classes referenced in turn by the public API of those classes, and so on, until no new classes are found. The results of the dependency analysis are combined with the preferred list information in the additional supporting JAR files to compute a preferred list having the smallest number of entries that describes the preferred state of the classes and resources contained in all of the JAR files. The output of the tool is a new version of the target JAR file containing the generated preferred list, and/or a copy of the list printed to System.out.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages
jarwrapper 3.1.0

Tool :: Jar wrapper · A tool for generating "wrapper" JAR files. A wrapper JAR file contains a Class-Path manifest attribute listing a group of JAR files to be loaded from a common codebase. It may also, depending on applicability and selected options, contain a JAR index file, a preferred class list and/or a Main-Class manifest entry for the grouped JAR files.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages
envcheck 3.1.0

Tool :: Environment Check · Tool used to perform validity checks on the run-time environment of a client or service. The output of this tool is a report; command-line options control the verbosity and severity level at which report entries are generated. A simple plugin architecture is implemented; a set of plugins implementing a variety of checks is bundled with the tool, and support is provided to allow additional plugins to be supplied by the user.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages

Tool :: Compute httpmd codebase · Computes the message digests for a codebase with HTTPMD URLs. This utility is run from the main command line. A description of HTTPMD URLs can be found in the net.jini.url.httpmd package and its net.jini.url.httpmd.Handler class.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages

Tool :: Compute message digest · Prints the message digest for the contents of a URL. This utility is run from the command line.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages
classserver 3.1.0

Tool :: Class Server · A simple HTTP server, for serving up JAR and class files.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages
checkser 3.1.0

Tool :: Check serialversionUid · Tool to check for serializable classes that do not have explicit serialVersionUID fields.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages

Tool :: Check ConfigurationFile · Checks the format of the source for a Jini ConfigurationFile. The source is specified with either a file, URL, or standard input, as well as with override options. The checks include syntax and static type checking, and require access to any application types mentioned in the source.

Jan 04, 2019
1 usages

Module :: Policy File Condenser · Tool used to clean and condense security policy requirements.

Jan 04, 2019


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