Group: berlin.yuna - All Dependencies


command-line-util · Simple, small, native library for os detection, reading arguments and running commands

Jul 20, 2023
4 usages
3 stars

config-metadata-generator · Manually way/library to generate config metadata for spring boot

Aug 23, 2023
2 usages
2 stars
nats-server 2.9.21

nats-server · Nats server for testing which starts the original Nats server

Aug 05, 2023
2 usages
5 stars

AndWait Matcher · Hamcrest matcher which is waiting (with timeout) for the expected value

Jul 24, 2023
1 usages
2 stars

nats-streaming-server · Nats streaming server for testing which contains the original Nats streaming server

Jul 20, 2023
1 usages
6 stars

nats-server-embedded · Nats server embedded for testing which contains the original Nats server

Aug 23, 2023
84 stars

nats-streaming-server-embedded · Nats streaming server embedded for testing which contains the original Nats streaming server

Aug 24, 2023
9 stars

${project.artifactId} · Maven oss parent pom helps open source projects to deploy and release Maven repositories to maven central (

Aug 26, 2018

version-endpoint · A simple version endpoint

Feb 13, 2020

tinkerforge-sensor · This Library is simplifying the API usage in a pure Java 8 way without any Frameworks. Removes pain of the Sensor UID, how to speak to the sensor and what values can i get from it etc. so that the focus is more on the logic

Nov 15, 2022
5 stars
surveys 0.1.72

Surveys · Survey is a plain java library to provide a base for surveys / questionnaires. It also provides a function to generate diagrams and to measure answer times.

Jul 20, 2023
6 stars
wiser-unit 0.0.61

Wiser Unit · BDD test methods and generates report

Jul 24, 2023
1 stars
paginator 0.1.78

paginator · Small browser service [needs chrome to be installed on the machine]

Aug 24, 2023
0 stars

nats-server-junit · Nats server embedded for testing which contains the original Nats server

Aug 05, 2023
5 stars
just-log 0.1.40

just-log · Simple java logger

Jul 24, 2023
0 stars
csv-streamer 1.1.14

csv-streamer · Lazy CSV reader: plain java, no dependencies, streaming, resource reader, unzip, autodetect delimiters, Immutable, InnerCSV NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException

Jul 20, 2023
1 stars
TypeMap 1.0.2

TypeMap · Nats server for testing which starts the original Nats server

Nov 11, 2023
23 stars
TypeMap 1.0.2

TypeMap · Nats server for testing which starts the original Nats server

Nov 11, 2023
23 stars
type-map 1.0.4

type-map · TypeMap and TypeConverter for a dynamic, extendable, high-performance type conversion library that's native-ready for GraalVM. This robust Java utility provides type-safe retrieval and conversion, leveraging ConcurrentHashMap for thread-safe operations without reflection.

Nov 12, 2023
23 stars
streamline 1.0.1

streamline · Performant, Concurrent, simplified Stream API leveraging Project Loom's virtual threads for efficient concurrent processing. Optimized for multithreaded environments

Apr 25, 2024
25 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars