Group: - All Dependencies
objectos :: · Extrai e trata informa����es do site
objectos :: soo · Sistema operacional objectos. Gentoo related utilities written in Java8.
objectos :: way :: auto :: unsupported · way-core module code generators.
objectos :: jabuticava · Jabuticava. Java para brasileiros e brasileiras.
objectos :: way :: auto :: builder · way-core module code generators.
objectos :: way :: auto :: optional · @AutoPojo with optional builders
${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · The parent (build) pom.xml for all Maven artifacts by Objectos Software LTDA.
${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · Core Java libraries for all Objectos Software projects. · Objectos Git is a pure Java library that provides a limited set of GIT operations. · A objectos-fs compatible library to compress files of a directory into a ZIP file and to unzip the contents of a ZIP file into a directory.