Group: com.acidmanic - All Dependencies


lightweight-logger · Very simple logging contract with two implementations

Apr 27, 2021
4 usages
1 stars
delegates 1.0.0

delegates · Provides useful delegate interfaces .

Feb 03, 2021
3 usages

${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · This is a Java library for drawing tabels, text interaction with user and change style and color of text on console.

Dec 14, 2018
2 usages
13 stars
commons 1.0.0

${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · {PROJECT_DESCRIPTION}

Apr 12, 2020
1 usages

${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · MyOcContainer (My IOC Container) is a very simple and lightweight IOC container for Java, with mandatory features for a small, to medium scale project.

Jan 24, 2021
1 stars

${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · MyOcContainer (My IOC Container) is a very simple and lightweight IOC container for Java, with mandatory features for a small, to medium scale project.

Dec 13, 2018
1 stars
installation 1.0.1

${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} · This library defines a simple model for making a self-installer java application. It supports Windows and Linux.

Apr 12, 2020

commandline-tools · This library helps building java commandline application implementing command design pattern

Jul 06, 2021
0 stars
opencvlink 1.0.0

opencvlink · This is an autogenerated code by opencd's builder. With this library added as dependency, maven projects can use opencv.

Feb 18, 2021
1 stars
pact-models 1.2.0

pact-models · This project provides mostly models and some heloers to parse Pact files

Jul 25, 2021
1 stars

lightweight-jsonstorage · My Laziest way for saving objects on disk whithout using an actual orm database!

Apr 27, 2021
1 stars
easyplug 1.0.0

easyplug · Reusing some code to use jars as plugins

Apr 27, 2021
1 stars
document 1.1.0

document · I use this collection of contracts and helpers in applicatinos which i want to generate document(s) from a root object

Jul 06, 2021
1 stars

resteasy-wrapper · While reast easy is easy to use and feature ritch enough, i use this library to simplify setting up resteasy for myself.

Apr 27, 2021
1 stars

application-pattern · I use these contracts and services to start middle scale application with many background services

Apr 27, 2021
1 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars