Group: com.adgear - All Dependencies

anoa-test 2.1.0

Test module for other Anoa modules, which exposes complex records (OpenRTB bid requests) through utility classes for use in unit tests within other Anoa modules (anoa-core, for instance).

Dec 23, 2015
2 usages
6 stars
anoa-core 3.1.2

Core classes for Anoa library, which aims to be a safe, convenient and fast record de/serialization wrapper for the Avro, Thrift and Jackson libraries, using the functional idioms of Java 8. The anoa-core module tries to keep upstream dependencies to a minimum.

Dec 22, 2016
2 usages
6 stars
anoa-tools 3.1.2

Additional functionality complementing the anoa-core module, requiring additional upstream dependencies such as jackson-databind and various jackson dataformats.

Dec 22, 2016
1 usages
7 stars

Parser for the anoa definition language.

Dec 22, 2016
1 usages
6 stars
anoa-plugin 2.1.0

A avro-maven-plugin extension (avro 1.7.6). Features better support dependency handling and Java annotations in generated java code, also supports cross-compiling Avro schema to Thrift. Caveat: will not support complex union types.

Dec 23, 2015
6 stars
anoa 3.1.2

Anoa · A Java library for robust manipulation and serialization of data structures based on common formats.

Dec 22, 2016
6 stars
anoa-tests 3.1.2

Dec 22, 2016
6 stars

Maven plugin for anoa compiler.

Dec 22, 2016
6 stars
anoa-library 3.1.2

Anoa serialization and deserialization library modules.

Dec 22, 2016
6 stars

Anoa language compiler and Maven plugin.

Dec 22, 2016
6 stars
metrohash 1.0.0

java-metrohash · A Java 8 implementation of some MetroHash algorithms.

Aug 28, 2016
12 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars