Test module for other Anoa modules, which exposes complex records (OpenRTB bid requests) through utility classes for use in unit tests within other Anoa modules (anoa-core, for instance).
Group: com.adgear - All Dependencies
Core classes for Anoa library, which aims to be a safe, convenient and fast record de/serialization wrapper for the Avro, Thrift and Jackson libraries, using the functional idioms of Java 8. The anoa-core module tries to keep upstream dependencies to a minimum.
Additional functionality complementing the anoa-core module, requiring additional upstream dependencies such as jackson-databind and various jackson dataformats.
A avro-maven-plugin extension (avro 1.7.6). Features better support dependency handling and Java annotations in generated java code, also supports cross-compiling Avro schema to Thrift. Caveat: will not support complex union types.
Anoa · A Java library for robust manipulation and serialization of data structures based on common formats.