Group: com.adobe.granite - All Dependencies
Adobe Granite Web Console Branding · Apache Granite branding for the Apache Felix Web Console. This fragment attaches to the org.apache.felix.webconsole bundle to provide branding through the /META-INF/
Day CRXDE Support · This module provides services for the CRX integrated development environment.
Adobe Granite CRXDE Lite · Bundle providing CRXDE Lite
Adobe Granite Authentication Handler · Authentication Handler implementation supporting HTTP Basic and Single Sing-On authentication
Adobe Granite Workflow Content Hook · Provides package install hook for preserving workflow content
Granite Testing Clients · Granite-related clients and testing utilities
Adobe Granite System Bundle Extension: XML APIs · Adds the XML API packages to the system bundle exports. The list of packages is derived from the packages available in the Java 6 platform. To use more recent XML APIs either modify this bundle to also export those package from the platform or install respective API bundles.
Adobe Granite (Parent Project) · The parent project for Granite, the Open Web Stack
Adobe Granite Checkstyle Rules · This module defines some rules for Checkstyle
Day Commons Library - LDAP Client · LDAP Client implementation.