Group: com.basistech - All Dependencies
pax-exam-test-composite · Some reusable dependences modules with our bundles for use in tests. A 'composite-pom' can't mix scopes, so we can't cover things that are needed in compile scope.
common-api-jackson · Jackson support for Java API classes for Rosette
Apache Felix Lightweight HTTP Service Core · A minimal HTTP Service implementation.
open-source-parent · Parent POM for Basis Technology open source components.
Basis Technology Open Source Buildtools · Configuration files for Checkstyle, PMD, and bnd.
bbh-maven-plugin · A maven plugin with goals that provide 'build-helper' solutions to Basis Techology's specific issues.
rosette-common-api · Common Java API class libraries for Rosette
metrics-cloudwatch-reporter · A 'metrics' reporter for CloudWatch
auto-version-maven-extension · An extension, intended for use with Maven > 3.3.9, that set a property for use in the version.
A collection of classes used to communicate with dependency parsers.
Apache Felix Remote Shell · Provide remote access to Felix Shell or Gogo.
Apache Felix Lightweight HTTP Service Complete · A minimal HTTP Service implementation, complete bundle.
Pathname Utility Maven Plugin Toplevel · A maven plugin with goals useful for connecting maven builds to pathnames. So far, the only goal takes a relative pathname and absolutizes it, so that aggregate children get the right pathname.