Group: com.bertramlabs.plugins - All Dependencies


asset-pipeline-core · JVM Asset Pipeline library for serving static web assets, bundling, minifying, and extensibility for transpiling.

May 01, 2023
23 usages
192 stars

asset-pipeline-grails · The Grails Asset-Pipeling plugin providing asset transpiling to grails.

May 01, 2023
12 usages
192 stars
karman-core 2.1.0

karman-core · Karman is a standardized Cloud File Management Interface for Groovy. It provides a unified means and simple DSL for accessing files on the cloud via extensible StorageProviders

Mar 10, 2023
11 usages
7 stars

jruby-container · Provides an isolated Jruby Execution Container that can fetch gems to run from rubygems in an isolated folder.

Jun 25, 2020
2 usages
1 stars
hcl4j 0.7.3

hcl4j · Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL) Java Parser

Jul 14, 2023
2 usages
57 stars

karman-openstack · Karman Storage Provider interface for rackspace cloud files api

Mar 10, 2023
1 usages
karman-aws 2.1.0

karman-aws · Karman Storage Provider interface for amazon web services (primarily S3)

Mar 10, 2023
1 usages
2 stars

morpheus-java-sdk · Provides an API Interface for Java application to tie into Morpheus services

Mar 23, 2017
1 usages
1 stars

asset-pipeline-servlet · JVM Asset Pipeline Servlet Adapter.

May 01, 2023
1 usages
192 stars

jsx-asset-pipeline · JSX Transpiler Extension for the JVM Based Asset-Pipeline.

May 01, 2023
1 usages
190 stars

karman-grails · Karman Storage Provider Asset Serving Plugin for Grails

Mar 10, 2023
1 usages
7 stars
selfie 2.1.5

Selfie · Selfie is a Grails Image / File Upload Plugin. Use Selfie to attach files to your domain models, upload to a CDN, validate content, produce thumbnails.

May 04, 2023
1 usages
21 stars
seed-me 5.0.5

Seed Me · Implements a standard convention for adding seed data to your Grails application.

Dec 23, 2022
1 usages
12 stars

Distributed Lock · This plugin provides a framework and interface for a synchronization mechanism distributed to multiple server instances. In today's world of horizontal computational scale and massive concurrency, it becomes increasingly difficult to synchronize operations outside the context of a single computational space (server/process). This plugin aims to make that easier by providing a simple service to facilitate this, as well as defining an interface for adding low level providers.

Oct 05, 2022
1 usages
7 stars

handlebars-asset-pipeline · Handlebars.js Transpiler Extension for the JVM Based Asset-Pipeline.

May 01, 2023
0 stars

asset-pipeline-gradle · JVM Asset Pipeline Gradle Adapter.

May 01, 2023
192 stars

sass-asset-pipeline · Provides SASS Compiling using jsass (libsass) support for the Asset-Pipeline library.

May 01, 2023
2 stars

ratpack-asset-pipeline · Provides asset-pipeline integration with the ratpack framework.

May 01, 2023
6 stars

less-asset-pipeline · Provides LESS Compiling support for the Asset-Pipeline library.

May 01, 2023
7 stars

asset-pipeline-spring-boot · JVM Asset Pipeline Gradle Spring Boot Adapter.

May 01, 2023
192 stars

karman-aws-groovy · Karman Storage Provider interface for amazon web services (primarily S3)

Nov 24, 2015
0 stars

ember-asset-pipeline · Ember.js Template Compiler (Handlebars.js) for JVM Asset Pipeline.

May 01, 2023
0 stars

coffee-asset-pipeline · Coffeescript Transpiler Extension for the JVM Based Asset-Pipeline.

May 01, 2023
1 stars

gstomp-client · Provides a CLIENT STOMP Api for Groovy

May 28, 2020
5 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars