jQAssistant Asciidoctor Utilities · A collection of various stuff required by projects of the jQAssistant ecosystem to generate and to build the documentation of jQAssistant.
jQAssistant Asciidoctor Utilities · A collection of various stuff required by projects of the jQAssistant ecosystem to generate and to build the documentation of jQAssistant.
jQAssistant Distribution Specification · This module specifies the version of jQAssistant plugins be part of the distributions, e.g. the Maven plugin and the command line utility.
jQAssistant Neo4j Server Integration · Provides integrations jQAssistant and Neo4j server.
jQAssistant Plugin for Apache Maven · jQAssistant plugin for Apache Maven to integrate jQAssistant into a Maven based project.
jQAssistant Embedded Neo4j Server · Provides an embedded Neo4j Server on top of a jQAssistant instance.
jQAssistant Embedded Neo4j Server Bootstrapping API · Provides the API for an embedded Neo4j Server on top of a jQAssistant instance.
jQAssistant Commandline Tool · jQAssistant Commandline distribution to run jQAssistant as standalone tool.
jQAssistant Commandline Tool · jQAssistant Commandline distribution to run jQAssistant as standalone tool.
jQAssistant · Framework for structural analysis of Java applications.
jQAssistant Ueber Parent · Maven Parent POM for all projects of the jQAssistant ecosystem. It provides comman and usefull settings shared by all jQAssistant projects.
jQAssistant Own Rules · A set of concepts and constraints used to check the conformity of various jQAssistant projects with some basic rules valid for all projects of the jQAssistant projects.
jQAssistant Plugin Parent POM · The parent POM for all plugins developed by the jQAssistant team. It defines a standard of actions, checks and dependencies required by each jQAssistant plugin.
jQAssistant Embedded Neo4j 3.x Community Server · Provides the adapter for the embedded Neo4j 3.x Community Server.
jQAssistant Embedded Neo4j 2.x Community Server · Provides the adapter for the embedded Neo4j 2.x Community Server.
jQAssistant Checkstyle Configuration · Checkstyle configuration of of jQAssistant to ensure our coding standards.