Group: com.codahale.metrics - All Dependencies

metrics-core 3.0.2

Metrics Core · Metrics is a Java library which gives you unparalleled insight into what your code does in production. Metrics provides a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the behavior of critical components in your production environment.

Feb 17, 2014
469 usages
450 stars

Metrics Health Checks · An addition to Metrics which provides the ability to run application-specific health checks, allowing you to check your application's heath in production.

Feb 17, 2014
83 usages
450 stars
metrics-jvm 3.0.2

JVM Integration for Metrics · A set of classes which allow you to monitor critical aspects of your Java Virtual Machine using Metrics.

Feb 17, 2014
78 usages
450 stars

Graphite Integration for Metrics · A reporter for Metrics which announces measurements to a Graphite server.

Feb 17, 2014
77 usages
450 stars

Metrics Utility Servlets · A set of utility servlets for Metrics, allowing you to expose valuable information about your production environment.

Feb 17, 2014
71 usages
450 stars

Annotations for Metrics · A dependency-less package of just the annotations used by other Metrics modules.

Feb 17, 2014
50 usages
450 stars
metrics-json 3.0.2

Jackson Integration for Metrics · A set of Jackson modules which provide serializers for most Metrics classes.

Feb 17, 2014
50 usages
450 stars

Ganglia Integration for Metrics · A reporter for Metrics which announces measurements to a Ganglia cluster.

Feb 17, 2014
30 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Logback · An instrumented appender for Logback.

Feb 17, 2014
27 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Jetty 9 · A set of extensions for Jetty 9 which provide instrumentation of thread pools, connector metrics, and application latency and utilization.

Feb 17, 2014
24 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Jersey · A set of class providing Metrics integration for Jersey, the reference JAX-RS implementation.

Feb 17, 2014
24 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Servlets · An instrumented filter for servlet environments.

Feb 17, 2014
18 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Log4j · An instrumented appender for Log4j.

Feb 17, 2014
9 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Apache HttpClient · An Apache HttpClient wrapper providing Metrics instrumentation of connection pools, request durations and rates, and other useful information.

Feb 17, 2014
9 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Jetty 8 · A set of extensions for Jetty 8 which provide instrumentation of thread pools, connector metrics, and application latency and utilization.

Feb 17, 2014
9 usages
450 stars
metrics-jdbi 3.0.2

Metrics Integration for JDBI · A JDBI wrapper providing Metrics instrumentation of query durations and rates.

Feb 17, 2014
8 usages
450 stars

Metrics Integration for Ehcache · An Ehcache wrapper providing Metrics instrumentation of caches.

Feb 17, 2014
3 usages
450 stars

Metrics Parent · The Metrics library.

Feb 17, 2014
1 usages
452 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.2k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars