Group: com.github.cloudyrock - All Dependencies


Oct 16, 2018
2 usages
306 stars
mongock mongodb-v3-driver

mongock · MongoDB tool for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes

Apr 28, 2021
306 stars

dimmer-core · Lightweight library to manage feature toggling. Unlike others Dimmer doesn't work in switch mode, black or white, It provides a flexible way to respond to disabled features by adding customizable behaviours and pre-configured responses.

Jul 27, 2018
6 stars

Oct 16, 2018
306 stars

Oct 16, 2018
306 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars