Group: com.github.jikyo - All Dependencies

suji 0.0.5

Suji · Suji is a converter library from Japanese number notation to numerical value, and from numerical notation to Japanese Kansuji notation. Converter.values(src) to convert from Japanese number notation to numerical value: Japanese number notation can include Kansuji. The String "1つの価格が二兆30万五千十7円になります。" will be converted to two BigDecimal, 1 and 2000000005017. And also, 打率は三割二部五厘です。 will be a 0.325. The return value is a list of Suji Numeral objects. If the input string has no number notation, Suji returns a empty list. The Numeral object has three methods: value(), begin(), and end(): value(): a BigDecimal instance of a numerical value for the number notation. begin(): the begin index (int) of the found number notation at the input string. end(): the end index (int) of the found number notation. Converter.kansujis(src) to convert from numeric notation to Japanese Kansuji notation: The String 20兆30万五千十7円になります。 will be converted to the Kansuji string, 二十兆三十万五千十七. The boolean flag one is interpreted as whether to display the first character 一 or not. The output of Converter.kansujis('1000万', true) will be converted to 一千万, and the output of Converter.kansujis('1000万', false) will be converted to 千万. Note that kansujis does not support numerical notation after the decimal point. If the input string is 32.01, the output will 三十二, not 三十二割一厘. The return value is a list of Kansuji objects. If the input string has no number notation, Suji returns a empty list. The Kansuji object has three methods: value(), begin(), and end(): value(): a String instance of a Kansuji notation. begin(): the begin index (int) of the found number notation at the input string. end(): the end index (int) of the found number notation. Suji is a one-pass parser. That is, Suji parse a source text from the head to the end only once.

Sep 05, 2020
0 stars
romaji 0.0.4

Romaji · `Romaji` is a converter library to romanize Japanese hiragana/katakana string by standard and IME typing style. Even though [icu::Transliterator]( already has provided the same functions, and returns only one romanized string. However, there exists several different romanization systems, so one hiragana/katakana string has so many romanize string. For example, `"ちゃ"` can be romanized as `"cha"`, `"tya"`, `"chixya"`, `"tixya"`, `"chilya"`, or `"tilya"`. `Romaji` provides romanized strings as many as possible. If an input string contained non hiragana/katakana characters (includes kanji), `Romaji` return the characters as same as the input. For example, `Romaji` converts the input `"お茶の水"` to `"o茶no水"`. The mapping from hiragana/katakana to romaji is based on common IME's system to type Japanese on a computer. Therefor, `Romaji` does not directly implement the standard system like Hepburn, Nihon-shiki or Kunrei-shiki, but includes them.

May 15, 2019
4 stars


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