ormlite-helper-testtools · Library that helps you use ORMLite in unit and integration tests
Group: com.github.mike10004 - All Dependencies
common-helper · Helper library for common computing tasks
mysql-5.7.14-mac-x86_64 · Portable MySQL Maven artifact for Mac OS X 10.11
facebook4j-core-mfork · Fork of a Java library for the Facebook Graph API
mariadb-10.0.27-mac-x86_64 · Portable MariaDB Maven artifact for Mac OS X 10.11
jcabi-mysql-maven-plugin · MySQL plugin for integration testing
xvfb-manager-parent · Libraries for managing Xvfb virtual framebuffer processes in Java
gae-testing-support · Library that makes it easier to do integration testing of a Google App Engine app
concatenate-maven-plugin · Maven plugin that concatenates files.
har-replay · Library that manages a proxy server that replays traffic from a HAR
Debian Maven Plugin · This plugin helps building DEB packages from Maven projects. The packages can be used in DEB-based operating systems such as Debian and Ubuntu. The plugin uses external Debian tools to do the actual packaging.
nanohttpd-testing · Library that helps you use NanoHTTPD in your unit tests
nanohttpd-champion · Library that helps you use NanoHTTPD
antiprint-extension-chrome · Antiprint extension for Chrome
Apache Commons Imaging · Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
jpeg-segment-finder · Determine the offsets and lengths of metadata segments in a JPEG file