Group: com.github.norwae - All Dependencies

oriana_2.11 1.1.0

oriana · Oriana is a small layer on top of slick that allows easier access to the database. It allows peudo-syntactic methods to inject a database context into arbitrary code, and simplifies deployment, updates and initialization.

Apr 13, 2017
1 usages
1 stars
oriana_2.12 1.1.0

oriana · Oriana is a small layer on top of slick that allows easier access to the database. It allows peudo-syntactic methods to inject a database context into arbitrary code, and simplifies deployment, updates and initialization.

Apr 13, 2017
1 usages
1 stars

oriana-liqibase · oriana-liquid provides a liquibase-supported upgrader for schema creation and evolution

Apr 13, 2017
1 stars

oriana-liqibase · oriana-liquid provides a liquibase-supported upgrader for schema creation and evolution

Apr 13, 2017
1 stars

ignifera · Adds deployment support for akka-http applications in kubernetes. The facilities are: 1) promotheus statistics export and collection for akka http routes. The library collects http result codes, timings, and requests in flight. It additionally optionally exposes some basic akka statistics. 2) Graceful shutdown, health and readiness functions. These routes are provided at a low level to they can be used by both the routing DSL and special case implementations. 3) Access log collection. These functions can be freely composed to (e.g.) exclude health check routes from statistics and access log, or include them, depending on the requirements and standards of the user

Aug 22, 2018
2 stars

ignifera · Adds promotheus statistics export and collection for akka http routes. The library collects http result codes, timings, and requests in flight. It additionally optionally exposes some basic akka statistics.

Feb 27, 2018
2 stars

circuit4stream · This module packages a circuit breaker that can be used to avoid overloading or otherwise depending on a temporarily unavailable (remote) system. The central use of the circuit breaker is to prevent failures from one system to cascade to other systems in an unchecked manner. Thus, our implementation is chiefly concerned with replacing a failing component with another component that fails in a very predictable manner. These failures are not "dropped" or otherwise made invisible, and still need to be handled, but they will occur in a predictable, and hopefully usable manner.

May 10, 2019
0 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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Mar 17, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
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