Group: com.github.sarxos - All Dependencies


Webcam Capture · This library allows you to use your PC webcam, IP or network cameras directly from Java. It's compatible with most operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS).

Jan 18, 2018
37 usages
1.9k stars

Windows Registry Utility · 100% pure Java, simple Windows registry utility

Jul 01, 2014
4 usages
56 stars
v4l4j 0.9.1-r507

V4L4J · This is mavenized and customized fork of V4L4J by Gilles Gigan. It contains only Java source code (no natives) and *.so objects precompiled for several architectures.

Feb 19, 2015
4 usages
13 stars

Webcam Capture - V4L4J Driver · Webcam Capture driver using V4L2 Java binding (V4L4J project) to grab frames from camera devices

Jan 18, 2018
3 usages

Webcam Capture - IP Camera Driver · Webcam Capture driver to be used for IP cameras

Jan 18, 2018
2 usages

Webcam Capture - GStreamer Driver · Webcam Capture driver using GStreamer framework to grab frames from camera devices

Jan 18, 2018
2 usages
lti-civil-no-swt 20070920-1721

LTI-CIVIL (no SWT) · LTI-CIVIL is a Java library for capturing images from a video source such as a USB camera. It provides a simple API and does not depend on or use JMF!

Feb 10, 2013
2 usages

Webcam Capture - Vlcj Driver · Webcam Capture driver using vlcj library to grab frames from camera device

Jan 18, 2018
1 usages

Webcam Capture - JavaCV Driver · Webcam Capture driver using JavaCV binding for OpenCV

Jan 18, 2018
1 usages

Overcast Maven Plugin · This plugin allows you to spawn virtual instances using Overcast

Apr 24, 2015

Overcast Maven Tools · This is set of Overcast Maven tools composed of Maven plugin and helper utility class

Apr 24, 2015

Overcast Maven Helper · This is helper for the overcast-maven-plugin, it offers class which can be used to read serialized plugin file data

Apr 24, 2015

Parent POM for OSS Projects · This is parent POM for my OSS projects

Feb 19, 2021
0 stars

Webcam Capture Parent POM · This is Webcam Capture root POM

Jan 18, 2018

Webcam Capture Drivers · Parent POM for Webcam Capture drivers set

Jan 18, 2018
1.9k stars

Webcam Capture - OpenIMAJ Driver · Webcam Capture driver allowing you to capture images using OpenIMAJ library.

Jan 17, 2018

Webcam Capture - LTI-CIVIL Driver · LTI-CIVIL webcam driver for Webcam Capture project. It allows Webcam Capture to fetch images using LTI-CIVIL library.

Jan 18, 2018

Webcam Capture - JMF Driver · This is JMF implementation of webcam driver. It allows you to capture webcam media with JMF or FMJ installed.

Jan 18, 2018

Webcam Capture - JavaCV Driver · Webcam Capture driver using JavaCV binding for OpenCV

Oct 03, 2015

Webcam Capture - FsWebcam Driver · This is one of the capture drivers which can be used by Webcam Capture API to fetch image from webcam device. This specific capture driver is using fswebcam command line tool by by Philip Heron to access the image.

Jan 18, 2018

Webcam Capture - Screen Capture Driver · Webcam Capture driver for capturing images from screen devices

Jan 18, 2018
1.9k stars

Exchange Rates API · Java API to access forex exchange rates via Yahoo YQL with fallback to OpenExchangeRates JSON

Mar 31, 2015
3 stars

.NET Managed DLL Injector · Utility allowing you to inject managed DLLs into any .NET process.

Nov 10, 2012
22 stars

MySQL Schema Evolver · This is tool to perform MySQL schema evolutions

Apr 09, 2015
0 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars