Group: com.jexbox.connector - All Dependencies

jexbox-http 0.0.1

Java Http Jexbox Connector · The Web applications connector is an extension to the core Java connector. It add methods which accept HttpServletRequest and HttpSession, so the current request and session data is sent to Jexbox.

May 26, 2014
2 usages
0 stars
jexbox-core 0.0.1

Core Java Jexbox Connector · Core Java Jexbox connector hooks into Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, so any uncaught exceptions in your application will be sent to your Jexbox database. The connector extracts complete exception stack trace, including nested exceptions, error message and system properties

May 26, 2014
2 usages
0 stars

Jexbox Tapestry Connector · Jexbox Tapestry connector hooks as RequestExceptionHandler, so any uncaught exceptions in your Tapestry application will be sent to your Jexbox database. The connector extracts complete exception stack trace, including nested exceptions, error message and system properties and page/component traces

May 26, 2014
0 stars
jexbox-play 0.0.4

Jexbox Play! Framework Connector Plugin · Jexbox Play! Framework connector hooks as ExceptionHandler, so any uncaught exceptions in your Play! application will be sent to your Jexbox database. The connector extracts complete exception stack trace, including nested exceptions, error message and system properties and page/component traces

Oct 23, 2014
0 stars
jexbox-jsf 0.0.2

Jexbox JSF Connector · Jexbox JSF connector hooks into ExceptionHandlerWrapper, so any uncaught exceptions in your JSF application will be sent to your Jexbox database. The connector extracts complete exception stack trace, including nested exceptions, error message and system properties and page/component traces

Aug 15, 2014
0 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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Mar 17, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
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Aug 09, 2023
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