Group: com.neko233 - All Dependencies
codec-orm · codec-orm = Serialize / Deserialize Uni-API to ORM handler! codec-orm not a black box and you can use it easy ! 统一的序列化和反序列化 ORM 处理. 兼容任意协议, 如 protobuf/json/avro/.. 通过生命周期来控制! 完全不黑箱!
condition-engine · condition-engine = diy your condition to verify any object!
eventbus233 · eventbus233 is a event bus pro! eventbus233 can bind a thread to work and you can no care for thread-safe problem. eventbus233 是一个 EventBus 的增强版实现.
eventbus233 · eventbus233 is a event bus pro! eventbus233 can bind a thread to work and you can no care for thread-safe problem. eventbus233 是一个 EventBus 的增强版实现.
network-engine · network-engine is a common network api + netty implementation server/client. 网络引擎是一个通用的网络 API + Impl.
network-engine-websocket · network-engine-websocket
virtual-router · virtual router 虚拟路由是一个基于虚拟网络路由节点的基础上构建的 RPC 框架. 核心思想是 = RouteTable + RPC
virtual-router · virtual router 虚拟路由是一个基于虚拟网络路由节点的基础上构建的 RPC 框架. 核心思想是 = RouteTable + RPC
config233 · config233 = uni-read config for JSON/XML/Excel/CSV/TSV/.. like a Table and gain a hot-update config data ability 配置热更新 + 统一读取 !