Group: com.nimbusds - All Dependencies


Nimbus JOSE+JWT · Java library for Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Feb 22, 2023
674 usages
oauth2-oidc-sdk 10.13.2

OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions · OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connection extensions for developing client and server applications.

Aug 04, 2023
264 usages
lang-tag 1.7

Nimbus LangTag · Java implementation of "Tags for Identifying Languages" (RFC 5646)

Jul 06, 2022
20 usages
common 2.52

Connect2id Common Library · Common Connect2id software classes

Apr 26, 2023
17 usages

Connect2id Server SDK · SDK for Connect2id Server extensions, such as OpenID Connect claims sources and OAuth 2.0 grant handlers

Aug 26, 2023
9 usages
srp6a 2.1.0

Nimbus SRP6a · Complete Secure Remote Password (SRP-6a) implementation for Java.

Nov 05, 2019
6 usages

Infinispan Cache Store Common Classes · Common classes and interfaces for Infinispan modules for persisting cache data

Nov 11, 2016
4 usages

Infinispan Cache Store Common Classes · Common classes and interfaces for Infinispan modules for persisting cache data

Feb 15, 2023
4 usages

Nimbus Content Type · Java library for Content (Media) Type representation

Nov 24, 2021
4 usages

Infinispan LDAP Cache Store · Infinispan module for persisting cache data to an LDAPv3 directory

Sep 27, 2016
1 usages

Infinispan SQL Cache Store · Infinispan module for persisting cache data to an SQL database

Sep 28, 2016
1 usages

Infinispan SQL Cache Store · Infinispan module for persisting cache data to an SQL database

Jul 16, 2023
1 usages

Infinispan LDAP Cache Store · Infinispan module for persisting cache data to an LDAPv3 directory

Aug 12, 2022
1 usages

JWK set loader with PKCS#11 support · JWK set loader with PKCS#11 support for Hardware Security Modules (HSM) and smart cards.

Feb 03, 2023
1 usages

Infinispan DynamoDB Cache Store · Infinispan module for persisting data to an AWS DynamoDB table

Feb 15, 2023
1 usages

OpenID Connect 1.0 UserInfo SPI · Service Provider Interface (SPI) for OpenID Connect 1.0 UserInfo claims

Oct 10, 2013
1 usages

OpenID Connect Claims Source SPI · Service Provider Interface (SPI) for sourcing OpenID Connect 1.0 claims

Jul 22, 2014
1 usages
dn-resovler 1.3.2

DN Resolver · Algorithms for resolving the distinguished name (DN) of an LDAP directory object.

Apr 08, 2014
1 usages

OpenID Connect Session Store · Scalable subject (end-user) session store, intended for use in OpenID Connect applications and based on Infinispan data grid technology

Nov 20, 2017

Connect2id Server LDAP Schemas · LDAP schemas for the Connect2id server

Nov 29, 2022

Self-issued JWT bearer grant handler · Simple handler of self-issued JWT bearer grants.

Aug 12, 2022

JWK set generator for Connect2id servers · Tool for generating the required JSON Web Key (JWK) sets for a Connect2id server.

May 22, 2021

Nimbus JOSE with PKCS#11 · Utilities for Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) with PKCS#11 for Hardware Security Modules (HSM) and smart cards

Jan 21, 2017

Connect2id Server LDAP claims source · OpenID Connect LDAP claims source

Mar 25, 2022


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars