spark-api - SPARQL client connection API · Defines a Java client-side connection-oriented API for accessing sparql endpoints ala JDBC.
Group: com.revelytix - All Dependencies
spark-spi - SPARQL client connection SPI · Defines optional utilities and base classes to make building implementations of the API easier.
sherpa-protocol - SHERPA sparql protocol definition · Defines an Avro-based protocol for cursored SPARQL query access.
sherpa-java - SHERPA sparql protocol client · Defines a SPARQL client API implementation using the SHERPA fast protocol for client-server communication. Requires a SHERPA-enabled server.
sparql-api - repository multi-module · Multi-module for all of the sparql-api modules that makes up spark and sherpa.
spark-protocol - SPARQL client implementation of the SPARQL protocol · Defines an implementation of the spark-api that uses the SPARQL protocol to query remote SPARQL endpoints via HTTP.
spark-http-client - SPARQL client implementation of the SPARQL protocol · Defines an implementation of the spark-api that uses the SPARQL protocol to query remote SPARQL endpoints via HTTP.
spark - repository multi-module · Multi-module for all of the modules that makes up spark and sherpa.
sherpa-clojure - SHERPA client and server utils in Clojure · Defines a SPARQL client and server processing framework using the SHERPA protocol.