ONVIF Camera Kotlin · A Kotlin library to interact with ONVIF cameras.
Group: com.seanproctor - All Dependencies
ONVIF Camera Kotlin · A Kotlin library to interact with ONVIF cameras.
ONVIF Camera Kotlin · A Kotlin library to interact with ONVIF cameras.
compose-preferences · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences-settings · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences-settings · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences-settings · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
compose-preferences-settings · A Compose library to emulate the style of Android preferences.
Compose Signature Pad · A signature pad for Jetbrains Compose.
Compose Signature Pad · A signature pad for Jetbrains Compose.
ComposeCalendar · A basic library that provides an Android composable view which allows selection of a date from a calendar.
ComposeCalendar · A basic library that provides an Android composable view which allows selection of a date from a calendar.
ComposeCalendar · A basic library that provides an Android composable view which allows selection of a date from a calendar.
Accompanist FlowLayout library · Utilities for Jetpack Compose
Accompanist FlowLayout library · Utilities for Jetpack Compose
Accompanist FlowLayout library · Utilities for Jetpack Compose
Accompanist Pager layouts · Utilities for Jetpack Compose
Accompanist FlowLayout library · Utilities for Jetpack Compose
Accompanist Pager layouts · Utilities for Jetpack Compose
Accompanist Pager layouts · Utilities for Jetpack Compose