Speedment - Build - Runtime · The main Speedment bundle that contains all the runtime dependencies that should be exposed to the end user.
Speedment - Build - Runtime · The main Speedment bundle that contains all the runtime dependencies that should be exposed to the end user.
Speedment · Read and modify your database using standard Java 8-streams and generated entity classes.
Speedment - Build - Tool · The main Speedment bundle that contains all the tool dependencies that should be exposed to the end user.
Speedment - Build - Generator · The main Speedment bundle that contains all the generator dependencies that should be exposed to the end user.
Speedment - Build - Maven Plugin · A neat plugin for using Speedment as a maven target.
Fika - RestUp · A simple Java library for invoking methods in a RESTful API.
Speedment - Build - Tool Deploy · A Speedment bundle that shades all dependencies into one jar. This is useful when deploying an application on a server.
Speedment · Read and modify your database using standard Java 8-streams and generated entity classes.
Speedment - Build - Runtime Deploy · A Speedment bundle that shades all dependencies into one jar. This is useful when deploying an application on a server.
Speedment - Build - Generator Deploy · A Speedment bundle that shades all dependencies into one jar. This is useful when deploying an application on a server.
Speedment Version Plugin · A neat plugin for handling Speedment versions in modules.