Group: com.thesett - All Dependencies

aima · Library of code developed from 'Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach', Prentice Hall.

power_model · Power model provides the ability to reflect and navigate on Java data models. It also provides some useful data types that can be used in data modelling.

logic · Rich syntax trees and parsers for working with first order logic.

JUnit Toolkit · JUnit Toolkit enhances JUnit with performance testing, asymptotic behaviour analysis, and concurrency testing.

catalogue-model · A catalogue which is confugurable at the knowledge level to catalogue and organise any type of data and to provide structured access to it, free text querying of it and automatic data warehousing of events relating to it.

catalogue-model-processor · A catalogue which is confugurable at the knowledge level to catalogue and organise any type of data and to provide structured access to it, free text querying of it and automatic data warehousing of events relating to it.

prolog · Implementation of a Prolog interpreter that works directly over the abstract syntax tree.

index · An indexing and free text search module with some advanced features.

power_model_validation · Power model provides the ability to reflect and navigate on Java data models. It also provides some useful data types that can be used in data modelling.

catalogue-generator · A source code generator to transform a catalogue model into java beans with persistence.

xmlutils · My xmlutils library, a mixed bag of re-usable utility code.

search · Search code developed from 'Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach', Prentice Hall.

javasource-maven-plugin · Maven plugin for Javasource to generate source code from a model plus a template.