Group: com.thesubgraph.safenet - All Dependencies

processor 0.0.1

processor · A processor for generating Dagger modules from annotated interfaces and classes

May 20, 2024
3 stars
annotations 0.0.3

annotations · Annotations for generating Dagger modules

May 20, 2024
3 stars
annotations 0.0.3

annotations · Annotations for generating Dagger modules

May 20, 2024
3 stars
safenet 0.0.4

safenet · SafeNet is a library engineered to streamline the configuration of the network layer and dependency injection in your projects. It leverages annotations to automatically furnish essential components such as repositories, API services, and use cases. This eliminates the need for manual setup using @Module and @Provides annotations, thereby simplifying the process of establishing the Network Layer and Dependency Injection for network layer.

May 20, 2024
3 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
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Jun 02, 2023
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Mar 17, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars