Ti-Utils · The Ti-Utils library contains general utilities functionalities.
Group: de.gematik.ti - All Dependencies
CardReaderProvider-Api · The CardReaderProvider API define the general communication interface between application and HealthCardReader to abstract the specific implementation for each hardware card reader.
OpenHealthCard-Events · The OpenHealthCard-Events library contains overarching events for several layers. That includes general events for info, warn and error, request and response events for card access number, etc. The Events are used to use org.greenrobot eventbus.
HealthCardAcess · The HealthCardAcess library is an low level framework for accessing smart cards of the telematic infrastructure.
OpenHealthCard-Common-Android · The CardReaderProvider-NFC-Android library provides functionality to use the NFC interface on Android devices.
vauchannel-protocol · VAU channel base module - the protocol
vauchannel-cxf · VAU channel base module - example cxf integration
vauchannel-contract-2-java · VAU channel base module - json message structure
Ti-Test-Utils · The Ti-Test-Utils library contains general utility functionalities for scope test.
CardReaderAccess · The CardReaderAccess library deal with CardReader and Cards.
HealthCardControlCommon · Common library for cross-control functionalities
Data Model VSD Java · The VSD (Versichertenstammdaten) data model schema and xml deserialization.
Data Model NFD Java · The NFD (Notfalldaten) data model schema and xml deserialization.
Data Model DPE Java · The DPE (Datensatz persönliche Erklärungen) data model schema and xml deserialization.
CardReaderProvider-USB-Tactivo · The CardReaderProvider-USB-Tactivo library provides functionality to use Tactivo card reader on Android devices.
CardReaderProvider-USB-Identos · The CardReaderProvider-USB-Identos library provides functionality to use Identos card reader on Android devices.
PCSC-CardReaderProvider · The PCSC CardReaderProvider implement the CardReaderProvider-API and add functionalities to use PCSC cardreader
CardReaderProvider-NFC-Android · The CardReaderProvider-NFC-Android library provides functionality to use the NFC interface on Android devices.
CardReaderProvider-Bluetooth-Feitian-Android · The CardReaderProvider-Bluetooth-Feitian-Android library provides functionality to use the Bluetooth Feitian devices on Android devices.
HealthCardControl · The HealthCardControl library is an framework that detect card type and version, supports functionatlity to read VSDN and NFD Data, etc.