Group: de.iip-ecosphere.platform - All Dependencies

transport 0.5.0

transport · The transport component as basis of the transport layer of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
23 usages
support.aas 0.5.0

support AAS abstraction · The IIP-Ecosphere AAS abstraction and basic utilities.

Mar 01, 2023
16 usages

support AAS/BaSyx (client) · The IIP-Ecosphere AAS/BaSyx (client) extension.

Mar 01, 2023
12 usages

support IIP-Ecosphere AAS functions · Specific IIP-Ecosphere functions on top of the AAS abstraction.

Mar 01, 2023
7 usages

Optional Apache QPid integration · AMPQ protocol for testing/experiments.

Mar 01, 2023
7 usages

Multi-language service environment · Multi-language service environment for the IIP-Ecosphere platform to generate services upon.

Mar 01, 2023
7 usages

Optional HiveMq integration · HiveMq requires JDK 11. Due to the restiction to JDK 8 it can only be utilized optionally.

Mar 01, 2023
6 usages

transport.spring · The Spring cloud stream basis extending the transport component of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
5 usages

transport.amqp · The plain AMQP transport extension of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
5 usages
connectors 0.5.0

connectors · The connectors component in the transport layer of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
5 usages

transport.mqttv5 · The plain MQTT v5 transport plugin of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
4 usages

transport.mqttv3 · The plain MQTT v3 transport plugin of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
2 usages

Optional Moquette integration · Moquette for testing.

Mar 01, 2023
2 usages
services 0.5.0

Services · The service and service management interfaces of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
2 usages
ecsRuntime 0.5.0

ECS runtime · The interfaces and basic implementation of the ECS runtime of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023
2 usages

IIP-Ecosphere AMQP transport spring binder · The AMQP transport binder for connecting Spring cloud stream devices via AMQP.

Mar 01, 2023
1 usages

support AAS/BaSyx (server) · he IIP-Ecosphere AAS/BaSyx (server) extension.

Mar 01, 2023
1 usages

Multi-language service environment (specific additions for Spring Cloud Stream) · Multi-language service environment for the IIP-Ecosphere platform to generate services upon (specific additions for Spring Cloud Stream).

Mar 01, 2023
1 usages

IIP-Ecosphere MQTT v5 transport spring binder · The MQTT v5 transport binder for connecting Spring cloud stream devices via MQTT v5.

Mar 01, 2023

IIP-Ecosphere MQTT v3 transport spring binder · The MQTT v3 transport binder for connecting Spring cloud stream devices via MQTT v3.

Mar 01, 2023

IIP-Ecosphere Hivemq MQTT v5 transport spring binder · The Hivemq MQTT v5 transport binder for connecting Spring cloud stream devices via MQTT.

Mar 01, 2023

IIP-Ecosphere Hivemq MQTT v3 transport spring binder · The Hivemq MQTT v3 transport binder for connecting Spring cloud stream devices via MQTT.

Mar 01, 2023

connectors OPC UA extension · The OPC UA connectors extension component in the transport layer of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023

connectors MQTT v5 · The MQTT v5 connectors component in the transport layer of the IIP-Ecosphere platform.

Mar 01, 2023


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars