Group: de.ovgu.dke.mocca - All Dependencies

mocca-core 0.1.2

MOCCA-core · MOCCA is the Message-Oriented Command and Context Architecture, providing a GLUE middle-ware that allows sending commands to a peer which are executed by state-less handlers in a specific context. In contrast to the Request-Response scheme the message flow is not fixed by the framework. This allows to implement different communication paradigms (including Request-Response). The whole system can be seen as an automaton with Messages that trigger state transitions in the local Contexts. This library contains the core components, including the GLUE-based implementation.

Apr 16, 2013
2 usages
mocca-tools 0.1.0

mocca-tools · MOCCA is the Message-Oriented Command and Context Architecture, providing a GLUE middle-ware that allows sending commands to a peer which are executed by state-less handlers in a specific context. This library contains tools commonly used with MOCCA, e.g. in-band file transfer.

Mar 12, 2013
mocca-daemon 0.1.2

mocca-daemon · MOCCA is the Message-Oriented Command and Context Architecture, providing a GLUE middle-ware that allows sending commands to a peer which are executed by state-less handlers in a specific context. This library contains the daemon component which allows to run MOCCA Agents as system services.

Apr 17, 2013


Top Dependency Usages

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Mar 17, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
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2.7k stars