blended.streams.testsupport_2.13 · Some classes to make testing for streams a bit easier
Group: de.wayofquality.blended - All Dependencies · Standalone client to manage certificates via SCEP · A REST service providing login services and web token management · Implementation of the Login backend
blended.prickle_2.13 · OSGi package for Prickle and mircojson
blended.persistence.h2_2.13 · Implement a persistence backend with H2 JDBC database
blended.mgmt.service.jmx_2.13 · A JMX based Service Info Collector
blended.mgmt.rest_2.13 · REST interface to accept POST's from distributed containers. These will be delegated to the container registry
blended.mgmt.repo.rest_2.13 · File Artifact Repository REST Service
blended.mgmt.mock_2.13 · Mock server to simulate a larger network of blended containers for UI testing
blended.jetty.boot_2.13 · Bundle wrapping the original jetty boot bundle to dynamically provide SSL Context via OSGI services
blended.itestsupport_2.13 · Integration test helper classes
blended.hawtio.login_2.13 · Adding required imports to the hawtio war bundle
blended.file_2.13 · Bundle to define a customizable Filedrop / Filepoll API
blended.features_2.13 · Blended module blended.features
blended.akka.logging_2.13 · Redirect Akka Logging to the Blended logging framework
blended.akka.http.sample.helloworld_2.13 · A sample Akka HTTP bases HTTP endpoint for the blended container
blended.akka.http.restjms_2.13 · Provide a simple REST interface to perform JMS request / reply operations
blended.akka.http.proxy_2.13 · Provide Akka HTTP Proxy support
blended.akka.http.jmsqueue_2.13 · Provide a simple REST interface to consume messages from JMS Queues
blended.activemq.client_2.13 · An Active MQ Connection factory as a service
blended.activemq.brokerstarter_2.13 · A simple wrapper around an Active MQ broker that makes sure that the broker is completely started before exposing a connection factory OSGi service
blended.itest.runner_2.13 · API for long running integration tests