Alakazam TAK UI · A set of useful UI functions and extensions for ATAK plugin development.
Alakazam TAK UI · A set of useful UI functions and extensions for ATAK plugin development.
Alakazam TAK Dagger · Utility functions for using Dagger DI in ATAK plugins
Alakazam Android UI Material · A set of useful functions and extensions for Material UI Android development.
Alakazam Android Navigation · A set of useful functions and extensions for navigation in Android development.
Alakazam Android UI AppCompat · A set of useful functions and extensions for AppCompat UI Android development.
Alakazam Kotlin Serialization · A set of useful functions and extensions for working with Kotlin Serialization.
Alakazam Dagger · A set of useful modules and bindings for Dagger dependency injection.
TAK Compose Components · A set of reusable standard view components for ATAK
TAK Compose Core · Base module containing themes, colors and other basic attributes
TAK Compose Icons · Module containing all available TAK icons
TAK Compose Plugin · Classes for integrating TAK Compose into ATAK's plugin SDK
TAK Compose Preview · Module to help previewing TAK components
TAK Compose ViewModel · Classes for integrating ViewModels into TAK Compose
Alakazam Kotlin Compose Annotations · Multiplatform implementations of the stable and immutable annotations
Alakazam TAK Resources · A set of Android resources for ATAK plugin development.
Alakazam Android Preferences · A set of useful functions and extensions for preferences on Android.
Alakazam Android Preferences · A set of useful functions and extensions for preferences on Android.