Group: dk.cloudcreate.essentials - All Dependencies

types 0.9.11

essentials-types · This library focuses purely on providing base types and utility types that can be used to better documented and more strongly typed code such as: BigDecimalType, BigIntegerType, ByteType, CharSequenceType, DoubleType, FloatType, IntegerType, LongType, ShortType, Percentage, Amount, CurrencyCode, Money, etc.

Aug 20, 2023
7 usages
shared 0.9.11

essentials-shared · This library contains the smallest set of supporting building blocks needed for other Essentials libraries, such as: Tuples, Collections, Functional Interfaces, FailFast, SLF4J compatible Message formatter, High level Reflection API

Aug 20, 2023
4 usages
types-jackson 0.9.11

essentials-types-jackson · This library focuses purely on providing serialization and deserialization support for the types defined in the Essentials types library.

Aug 20, 2023
2 usages
immutable 0.9.11

essentials-immutable · This library focuses purely on providing utility classes that make it easier to create immutable types/classes without having to use code generators like Lombok.

Aug 20, 2023
1 usages

essentials-types-springdata-mongo · This library focuses purely on providing Spring Data Mongo persistence support for the types defined in the Essentials types library.

Aug 20, 2023

essentials-types-springdata-jpa · This library focuses purely on providing Spring Data JPA persistence support for the types defined in the Essentials types library.

Aug 20, 2023

essentials-types-spring-web · This library focuses purely on providing Spring Web Converters for the types defined in the Essentials types library.

Aug 20, 2023
types-jdbi 0.9.11

essentials-types-jdbi · This library focuses purely on providing JDBI argument support for the types defined in the Essentials types library.

Aug 20, 2023
types-avro 0.9.11

essentials-types-avro · This library focuses purely on providing AVRO serialization and deserialization support for the types defined in the Essentials types library.

Aug 20, 2023
parent 0.9.11

essentials-parent · Essentials is a set of Java version 11 (and later) building blocks built from the ground up to have no dependencies on other libraries, unless explicitly mentioned. The Essentials philosophy is to provide high level building blocks and coding constructs that allows for concise and strongly typed code, which doesn't depend on other libraries or frameworks, but instead allows easy integrations with many of the most popular libraries and frameworks such as Jackson, Spring Boot, Spring Data, JPA, etc.

Aug 20, 2023

essentials-immutable-jackson · This library focuses purely on providing deserialization support for deserializing immutable objects

Aug 20, 2023
reactive 0.9.11

essentials-reactive · This library contains the smallest set of supporting reactive building blocks needed for other Essentials libraries

Aug 20, 2023


Top Dependency Usages

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8.4k stars
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Mar 17, 2023
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2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars