Group: edu.cornell.library.scholars - All Dependencies


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.10 Compile the source, run the tests, JAR it up and deploy. No surprises. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Apr 25, 2018
0 stars

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.9 This uses the source and test code from the Version for VIVO 1.10, edited to make it compatible with VIVO 1.9. It also borrows some code from VIVO 1.10 itself, changes the package name to avoid conflicts, and adds it here. * Vitro 1.9 uses Jena 2, not Jena 3, and Commons Lang 2, not 3, so modify the "import" statements in the Data Distribution code accordingly. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.sparqlrunner" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this sparqlrunner package. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.configuration" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this configuration package. Make these modifications, compile, JAR it up, and deploy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Apr 25, 2018
0 stars

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version for VIVO 1.8 This uses the source and test code from the Version for VIVO 1.10, edited to make it compatible with VIVO 1.8. It also borrows some code from VIVO 1.10 itself, changes the package name to avoid conflicts, and adds it here. * Vitro 1.8 uses Jena 2, not Jena 3, and Commons Lang 2, not 3, so modify the "import" statements in the Data Distribution code accordingly. * Vitro 1.8 does not have a "...webapp.utils.sparqlrunner" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package (just for compatibility with the 1.9 version), modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this sparqlrunner package. * Vitro 1.9 has an earlier version of "...webapp.utils.configuration" package, so borrow the source from Vitro 1.10, move it to a different package so it won't conflict with the 1.9 version, modify it to use Jena 2 and Commons Lang 2, and modify the Data Distribution API code to use this configuration package. Make these modifications, compile, JAR it up, and deploy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because VIVO 1.8 is not available as a Maven package, we have extracted the class files, JARed them up, and stored them in a file-based repository within this project. But that doesn't include any transitive dependencies, so any package that this code requires must be explicitly listed as a dependency. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Apr 25, 2018
0 stars

VIVO: Data distribution API v${project.artifactId} · --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The parent pom.xml Properties, dependencies, plugin-management, etc. that applies across the projects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Apr 25, 2018
1 stars


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