Thrift Example Archetype · Creates an example program that serializes thrift logins
Thrift Example Archetype · Creates an example program that serializes thrift logins
Thrift Archetype · Example program to write thrift from local file system
mpcs53013-parent-pom · Parent POM to handle things like signing and deploying MPCS53013 artifacts to central repository
Hadoop WordCount Archetype · Create the WordCount example from the Hadoop docs
Hadoop Thrift Example Archetype · Creates an example program that serializes thrift students to HDFS sequence files
Hadoop Client Archetype · Create a Hadoop client application including an UberJar
Serialize Weather To Thrift Sequence File Archetype · Creates an example program that reads NOAA weather and serializes to HDFS Thrift sequence files
Storm Word Count Archetype · Modified version of the Word Count program at https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm-starter
Kafka weather archetype · Ingest real-time weather data into a Kafka topic
Kafka Flight Archetype · Ingest real-time flight data from FlightAware into a Kafka topic
Weather topology archetype · Reads weather from kafka topic and stores latest weather for American airports in HBase
Flight topology archetype · Reads flights from kafka topic and updates HBase with flight information
Thrift Archetype · Creates program that serializes thrift students to HDFS sequence files. For an example, see hadoo-thrift-example-archetype
Spark Scala WordCount Archetype · Create a Spark Scala WordCount program similar to that in O'Reilly Learning Spark book
Spark Scala network WordCount Archetype · Create a Spark Scala Network WordCount program similar to that included in the Spark examples
Spark Scala Archetype · Create a Spark Scala program. Provides dependencies on Spark, Spark Streaming, Kafka, and Hive
Spark Kafka HBase Streaming Flights Archetype · Create a Spark Scala streaming program that reads flights from Kafka and looks them up in HBase
Spark Scala Kafka WordCount Archetype · Create a Spark Scala streaming WordCount program that reads from Kafka
Speed Layer Weather Archetype · Create a Spark Scala streaming program that reads simulated weather reports from Kafka and stores them in the latest_weather table in HBase
Speed Layer Flights Archetype · Create a Spark Scala streaming program that reads flights from Kafka, looks up corresponding weather information and updates speed layer tables in HBase
Spark Batch Layer Archetype · Create a Spark Scala implementation of our flight-and-weather application
Serialize Weather To AWS S3 bucket Archetype · Creates an example program that reads NOAA weather and serializes to HDFS Thrift sequence files