Toolbox · Toolbox contains a collection of useful tools incl. events, properties, helper classes etc.
Group: eu.hansolo - All Dependencies
JDKTools · 'JDKTools is a library that contains tools related to system info and versioning'
Colors · Colors contains popular color definitions for JavaFX (e.g. Flat UI and Material Design Colors)
SteelSeries · The SteelSeries is a javabeans component library that contains gauges. You will find linear and radial gauges. In addition you will also find digital displays, indicators from cars and some instruments from airplanes and sailboats.
tilesfxweather · TilesFX Weather is a JavaFX library that adds weather related skins and classes to TilesFX
Monitor · Monitor is a JavaFX control that can be used to visualize e.g. heartbeat data
IoTModules · IoTModules is a Java library that helps handling Iot devices like sensors and actors
Countries · AppleFX is a JavaFX library containing controls that look like the ones used in ios and macos
NightscoutConnector · NightscoutConnector is a little library to connect to a Nightscout server and retrieve blood glucose values