Group: fr.evidev.netbeans.modules - All Dependencies


NetBeans Case Converter · This module provides a convenient way to convert string case. <h3>Usage</h3> In the editor panel: <ol> <li>Select the text you want to change the case of</li> <li>Right-click to open the contextual menu</li> <li>Open the <code>Convert To...</code> submenu</li> <li>Click on the converter of your choice</li> </ol> Please note that if no text is selected, the menu is disabled. <h3>Available converters</h3> <ul> <li><b>camelCase</b>: first capitalized letter of each word, except for the first letter of the resulting word, no space</li> <li><b>hyphen-case</b>: lower case words separated with an hyphen</li> <li><b>lower case</b>: lower case words</li> <li><b>PascalCase</b>: first capitalized letter of each word, no space</li> <li><b>Sentence case.</b>: first capitalized letter of the first word, ends with a dot (capital letters within the sentence are preserved)</li> <li><b>snake_case</b>: lower case words separated with an underline character</li> <li><b>Title Case</b>: first capitalized letter of each word, one space between words</li> <li><b>UPPER CASE</b>: upper case words</li> </ul>

Oct 03, 2020
6 stars


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