Group: fr.lirmm.graphik - All Dependencies
Existential Logic for Defeasible Reasoning · A defeasible reasoning tool for existential rules, it supports defeasible reasoning with amibguity blocking/propagating with or without team defeat
mapping-parser · The mapping parser is a parser for the mapping format developped by the INRIA Boreal Team This is to use a json document to describe how to integrate heterogeneous datasources. This work have been done during the developement of the InteGraal software
dlgp-parser · The Dlgp parser is a parser for the Dlgp format developped by the INRIA Boreal Team This is to use a Dlgp file to describe a knowledge base. This work have been done during the developement of the InteGraal software
InteGraal : Knowledge-Representation and Reasoning for Data Integration · InteGraal has been designed in a modular way, in order to facilitate software reuse and extension. It should make it easy to test new scenarios and techniques, in particular by combining algorithms. The main features of Graal are currently the following: (1) internal storage to store data by using a SQL or RDF representation (Postgres, MySQL, HSQL, SQLite, Remote SPARQL endpoints, Local in-memory triplestores) as well as a native in-memory representation (2) data-integration capabilities for exploiting federated heterogeneous data-sources through mappings able to target systems such as SQL, RDF, and black-box (eg. Web-APIs) (3) algorithms for query-answering over heterogeneous and federated data based on query rewriting and/or forward chaining (or chase)
InteGraal API · High level API module for the main functionalities of InteGraal
InteGraal Forward chaining · InteGraal forward chaining algorithms
InteGraal Rule Analysis · Rule base analysis for InteGraal. This is imported from Graal
InteGraal graph of rule dependencies · graph of rule dependencies module for InteGraal
Integraal input/output · Inputs and Outputs for integraal objects
Integraal query evaluation · Query evaluation module for InteGraal
Integraal redundancy · Integraal module related to redundancy
Integraal storage · This module represents the physical atom storage for integraal