Loads sample data, such as the DE-SynPUF data, into a SQL database, which must have the CCW schema.
Group: gov.hhs.cms.bluebutton.datapipeline - All Dependencies
An application that generates sample data and pushes it to a FHIR server.
The 'transform' and 'load' portion of the CCW-to-Blue-Button extract-transform-load pipeline.
Contains the CMS DE-SynPUF sample data set, and some code for working with it.
Contains tests of the 'bluebutton-data-pipeline-ccw' module. Also contains test utility code for other projects' tests.
The 'extract' portion of the CCW-to-Blue-Button extract-transform-load pipeline.
Contains resources and code related to the CCW itself and its schema.
bluebutton-data-pipeline · A parent POM for the CMS/MyMedicare.gov ETL: migrates data from the CCW data warehouse to the Blue Button FHIR server.
The 'extract' portion of the CCW-to-Blue-Button extract-transform-load pipeline. Designed to receive 'RIF' files from the CCW.
Provides shared helpers and model classes related to the CCW's 'RIF' file format.
An application that pulls CCW RIF data via S3, transforms it, and pushes it to a FHIR server.
A set of benchmarks/performance tests for the application.