Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: Spring-Boot :: Camel · Creates a new Spring Boot application with Camel
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: Spring-Boot :: Camel · Creates a new Spring Boot application with Camel
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: Spring-Boot :: ActiveMQ · Creates a new Spring Boot application with ActiveMQ
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: QuickStart SOAP · Creates a new quickstart project using SOAP.
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: QuickStart Secure SOAP · Creates a new quickstart project using Secure SOAP.
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: QuickStart Secure REST · Creates a new quickstart project using Secure REST.
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: QuickStart REST Web · Creates a new quickstart project using REST with a WAR.
Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: QuickStart REST · Creates a new quickstart project using REST.