chartfx-acc · Collection of accelerator specific widget and functionalities that directly depend on chart-fx or which no other suitable place has been identified (yet).
Group: io.fair-acc - All Dependencies
chartfx-chart · This charting library chartfx- is an extension in the spirit of Oracle's XYChart and performance/time-proven JDataViewer charting functionalities. Emphasis was put on plotting performance for both large number of data points and real-time displays, as well as scientific accuracies leading to error bar/surface plots, and other scientific plotting features (parameter measurements, fitting, multiple axes, zoom, ...).
chartfx-parent · The chart-fx charting library is an extension in the spirit of Oracle's XYChart and performance/time-proven JDataViewer charting functionalities. Emphasis was put on plotting performance for both large number of data points and real-time displays, as well as scientific accuracies leading to error bar/surface plots, and other scientific plotting features (parameter measurements, fitting, multiple axes, zoom, ...). The library also contains a small set of math routines that can operate directly on the DataSet primitive for fitting, computing spectra, linear algebra, FIR/IIR filtering, and other functionalities common to signal processing.
chartfx-dataset · Container for handling different types of datasets with metadata, uncertainties, etc. Provides interfaces for the charting and math library to use.
chartfx-generate · Code generation utilities that generate implementations or various Java primitives (e.g. int/float/double) in order to avoid boxed types and simplify maintenance efforts.
chartfx_math · A small set of math routines that can operate directly on the DataSet primitive for fitting, computing spectra, linear algebra, FIR/IIR filtering, and other functionalities common to signal processing.
chartfx-report · Container for handling testing and code coverage reports
chartfx-samples · Small sample applications to showcase the features of the chart-fx library.