SkillUp Annotations · Annotations needed to develop modules and skills using SkillUp
SkillUp Annotations · Annotations needed to develop modules and skills using SkillUp
SkillUp Examples · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Action Generator · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Description Generator · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
LED Skill · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Example Module · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
OPC-UA-Skill · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
OPC-UA-Skill2 · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Random-Generator · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
REST-Simple-Concat · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
REST-Simple-Multiplier · A simple multiplication skill deployed as a skill with a RESTful interface
REST-Skill · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Module Generator · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
OPC-UA-Server · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
OPC-UA-Skill-Generator · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
SkillUp · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Registration · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
REST-Resource · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
REST-Skill-Generator · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Skill-Generator-Interface · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces
Smart Tracker · A framework to easily implement skills with ontology descriptions and OPC UA or RESTful interfaces