Group: io.github.dhaneeshtb - All Dependencies

northstar 1.0.1

io.github.dhaneeshtb:northstar · NorthStar is a lightweight, high-performance Nano HTTP server designed to handle a massive number of concurrent HTTP connections efficiently while maintaining a low memory footprint. It's built with Java, making it highly portable and easy to integrate into various projects.

Mar 12, 2024
1 stars

io.github.dhaneeshtb:northstar-server · NorthStar is a lightweight, high-performance Nano HTTP server designed to handle a massive number of concurrent HTTP connections efficiently while maintaining a low memory footprint. It's built with Java, making it highly portable and easy to integrate into various projects.

Mar 14, 2024
1 stars

io.github.dhaneeshtb:northstar-security · Northstar security is a cutting-edge content encryption library, seamlessly integrating RSA and AES algorithms to safeguard your data with utmost security. Our library empowers developers to easily implement robust encryption mechanisms, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information. With RSA for secure key exchange and AES for efficient symmetric encryption, our solution offers a versatile and reliable approach to protect your content across various platforms and applications. Trust in our encryption library to fortify your data against unauthorized access and breaches, providing peace of mind for you and your users

Mar 29, 2024
1 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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