Group: io.github.martinschneider - All Dependencies


JustTestLah! Core · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jul 16, 2019
4 usages
43 stars

JustTestLah! PCloudy · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jan 08, 2019
1 usages
43 stars

JustTestLah! Browserstack · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jul 16, 2019
1 usages
43 stars

JustTestLah! Mobile tools · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jul 16, 2019
1 usages
43 stars

JustTestLah! AWS Devicefarm · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jul 16, 2019
1 usages
43 stars

YASeW · YASeW is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. YASew’s main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

May 08, 2018
47 stars

JUnit code generator for Cucumber tests · Generates plain JUnit tests from Gherkin feature files. This is useful when you want to execute Cucumber tests in an environment which does not allow custom JUnit runners, e.g. the AWS Device Farm.

Jun 21, 2018
3 stars

Maven plugin to create test runs on Testrails · Simple Maven plugin to create and close test runs on Testrail (

Jun 08, 2018
0 stars

aws-devicefarm-maven-plugin · Maven plugin to run tests on AWS Device Farm

Jun 19, 2018
0 stars

JustTestLah! · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jul 16, 2019
47 stars

JustTestLah! Demos · JustTestLah! is a JAVA test framework targeting projects that support multiple platforms, in particular Web, Android and iOS. It follows a BDD approach and allows testing against all platforms using the same feature files. JustTestLah's main aim is to make the configuration and the actual test code as easy as possible.

Jul 16, 2019
43 stars

AWS Java Helper · Some basic JAVA wrappers to work with AWS

Dec 18, 2018
0 stars
juvavum 21.09.09

Juvavum · Analyse and play the games Juvavum, Domino Juvavum and Cram.

Sep 09, 2021
1 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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Jul 31, 2023
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