Objectmacro · Wrapper Project to deploy SableCC-4-beta-4 und ObjectMacro in Maven Repos
Objectmacro · Wrapper Project to deploy SableCC-4-beta-4 und ObjectMacro in Maven Repos
objectmacro-maven-plugin · Plugin to generate source from objectmacro files
objectmacro-maven-plugin-metapom · Maven Meta Project, containts Plugin to generate source from objectmacro files and a simple project to test.
mc-config-annotation · Annotation to mark classes which require configuration. Use this artifact in conjunction with mc-config-annotation-processor.
mc-config-tool · Provide mechanics to Setup and consume configiguration.
mc-config-tool-bom · MC Config Tool Bill of Matrials. Use this artifact to put all artifacts of this project to your dependency.
mc-config-tool-metapom · Symplify configuration management
sablecc · Recompile and redistribution of the SableCC 3.7 in a Maven-like Style. The suffix `-javaXY denotes the version of javac, which was used to compile this artifact.
sablecc · Recompile and redistribution of the SableCC 3.7 in a Maven-like Style. The suffix `-javaXY denotes the version of javac, which was used to compile this artifact.
This module simulates a Java Application which is packaged and distributed as a fat JAR. A Configuration File is placed in Jar, sothat is can be read as Resource.