io.github.modelsvgu:datamodelj · A parser from JSON representation to Java object of Datamodel.
io.github.modelsvgu:datamodelj · A parser from JSON representation to Java object of Datamodel.
io.github.modelsvgu:oclj · A representation of OCL expression in Java.
io.github.modelsvgu:securitymodelj · A parser from JSON representation to Java object of Security model
io.github.modelsvgu:sqlj · An extension of JSQLParser library that parses SQL string to Java object hierarchy.
io.github.modelsvgu:sqlsi · SQLSI (SQL Security Injector) is an open source application that automatically injects SQL Authorization Checks into given SQL select statement.
io.github.modelsvgu:OCL2MSFOL · An implementation of mapping from OCL (Object Constraint Language) constraints to Many-Sorted First-Order Logic (MSFOL).
io.github.modelsvgu:ocl2psql · OCL2PSQL is an open source library that parses an OCL expression and translate it into a pure SQL select statement.
io.github.modelsvgu:SQL2MSFOL · SQL2MSFOL is an implementation of mapping from SQL statements to Many-Sorted First-Order Logic (MSFOL).