kotlinx-serialization-jsonpath · JsonPath offers a simple DSL to work with JsonElement from Kotlinx Serialization Json, this allows you to easily work with JSON in Kotlin in a typed manner.
Group: io.github.nomisrev - All Dependencies
kotlinx-serialization-jsonpath · JsonPath offers a simple DSL to work with JsonElement from Kotlinx Serialization Json, this allows you to easily work with JSON in Kotlin in a typed manner.
kotlinx-serialization-jsonpath · JsonPath offers a simple DSL to work with JsonElement from Kotlinx Serialization Json, this allows you to easily work with JSON in Kotlin in a typed manner.
kotlinx-serialization-jsonpath · JsonPath offers a simple DSL to work with JsonElement from Kotlinx Serialization Json, this allows you to easily work with JSON in Kotlin in a typed manner.
kotlinx-serialization-jsonpath · JsonPath offers a simple DSL to work with JsonElement from Kotlinx Serialization Json, this allows you to easily work with JSON in Kotlin in a typed manner.
kotlin-gcp-pubsub-ktor · Kotlin GCP PubSub integration with KotlinX Coroutines
kotlin-gcp-common-api · Kotlin GCP integration with KotlinX Coroutines
kotlin-gcp-pubsub-ktor · Kotlin GCP PubSub Ktor integration
kotlin-gcp-pubsub-kotlinx-serialization-json · Kotlin GCP PubSub integration with KotlinX Serialization Json
kotlin-gcp-pubsub-ktor-kotlinx-serialization-json · Kotlin GCP PubSub Ktor integration with KotlinX Serialization Json
kotlin-gcp-pubsub-test · Kotlin GCP PubSub Test library powered by Testcontainers
kotlinx-serialization-jsonpath · JsonPath offers a simple DSL to work with JsonElement from Kotlinx Serialization Json, this allows you to easily work with JSON in Kotlin in a typed manner.
OpenAPI Kotlin Generator · Module to transform parsed OpenAPI from parser into a structured model
OpenAPI Kotlin Generator · Module to transform parsed OpenAPI from parser into a structured model
OpenAPI Kotlin Generator · Module to transform parsed OpenAPI from parser into a structured model
OpenAPI Kotlin Generator · Module to transform parsed OpenAPI from parser into a structured model
OpenAPI Kotlin Parser · Module to parse OpenAPI specifications using kotlinx.serialization
OpenAPI Kotlin Parser · Module to parse OpenAPI specifications using kotlinx.serialization
OpenAPI Kotlin Parser · Module to parse OpenAPI specifications using kotlinx.serialization
OpenAPI Kotlin Parser · Module to parse OpenAPI specifications using kotlinx.serialization
OpenAPI Kotlin Typed · Module to transform parsed OpenAPI from parser into a structured model
OpenAPI Kotlin Typed · Module to transform parsed OpenAPI from parser into a structured model