Group: io.thorntail - All Dependencies
Camel Component :: Netty4 · Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with the Netty 4.x library.
Camel Component :: Nats · The nats component allows you produce and consume messages from NATS.
Camel Component :: Mybatis · Performs a query poll insert update or delete in a relational database using MyBatis.
Camel Component :: Mvel · Transforms the message using a MVEL template.
Camel Component :: Mqtt · Component for communicating with MQTT M2M message brokers using FuseSource MQTT Client.
Camel Component :: Mongodb · Component for working with documents stored in MongoDB database.
Camel Component :: Mllp · Provides functionality required by Healthcare providers to communicate with other systems using the MLLP protocol.
Camel Component :: Mina2 · Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with the Apache Mina 2.x library.
Camel Component :: Metrics · To collect various metrics directly from Camel routes using the DropWizard metrics library.
Camel Component :: Lucene · To insert or query from Apache Lucene databases.
Camel Component :: Linkedin · The linkedin component is uses for retrieving LinkedIn user profiles connections companies groups posts etc.
Camel Component :: Ldap · The ldap component allows you to perform searches in LDAP servers using filters as the message payload.
Camel Component :: Kubernetes · The kubernetes component allows to work with Kubernetes PaaS.
Camel Component :: Kafka · The kafka component allows messages to be sent to (or consumed from) Apache Kafka brokers.
Camel Component :: Jsonpath · For JSonPath expressions and predicates
Camel Component :: Jsch · To copy files using the secure copy protocol (SCP).
Camel Component :: Jgroups · The jgroups component provides exchange of messages between Camel and JGroups clusters.
Camel Component :: Jdbc · The jdbc component enables you to access databases through JDBC where SQL queries are sent in the message body.
Camel Component :: Jcache · The jcache component enables you to perform caching operations using JSR107/JCache as cache implementation.
Camel Component :: Jbpm · The jbpm component provides integration with jBPM (Business Process Management).
Camel Component :: Jacksonxml · Camel Jackson XML support