Group: io.vlingo - All Dependencies


vlingo-actors · Type safe Actor Model toolkit for reactive concurrency and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages.

Apr 30, 2021
19 usages
228 stars

vlingo-common · These are just a few common tools shared across various vlingo projects.

Apr 30, 2021
11 usages
16 stars

vlingo-symbio · The reactive, scalable, and resilient CQRS storage and projection tool for services and applications built on the VLINGO XOOM Platform.

Apr 30, 2021
10 usages
228 stars

vlingo-lattice · Tooling for reactive Domain-Driven Design projects that are highly concurrent. Includes compute grid, actor caching, spaces, cross-node cluster messaging, CQRS, and Event Sourcing support.

Apr 30, 2021
4 usages
55 stars
vlingo-wire 1.7.5

vlingo-wire · Wire protocol messaging implementations, such as with full-duplex TCP and UDP multicast, using VLINGO XOOM Actors.

Apr 30, 2021
3 usages
13 stars
vlingo-http 1.7.5

vlingo-http · Reactive, scalable, and resilient HTTP servers and RESTful services running on VLINGO XOOM Cluster and VLINGO XOOM Actors.

Apr 30, 2021
3 usages
51 stars

vlingo-cluster · Cluster management for reactive, scalable resiliency of JVM tools and applications running on VLINGO XOOM Actors.

Apr 30, 2021
3 usages
26 stars

vlingo-symbio-jdbc · Implementation of xoom-symbio for JDBC.

Apr 30, 2021
3 usages
4 stars

vlingo-streams · Reactive Streams for the VLINGO XOOM Platform.

Apr 30, 2021
3 usages
11 stars

vlingo-xoom-server · The vlingo/xoom server provides a JVM microframework for the vlingo/PLATFORM that helps in building high-performance reactive microservices.

Jun 03, 2020
2 usages
7 stars

vlingo-telemetry · The reactive metrics collector plugin for the VLINGO XOOM Platform, including support for VLINGO XOOM Actors, VLINGO XOOM Http, VLINGO XOOM Lattice, VLINGO XOOM Streams, and others.

Apr 30, 2021
1 usages
4 stars

vlingo-lattice-exchange-rabbitmq · The VLINGO XOOM Lattice extension for RabbitMQ.

Apr 30, 2021
1 usages
3 stars

vlingo-build-plugins · Maven plugins supporting the vlingo platform.

Apr 30, 2021
1 usages
2 stars

vlingo-maven-plugin · Maven plugin supporting the vlingo platform.

Jun 16, 2019
2 stars

vlingo-directory · Service registration and discovery for the VLINGO XOOM Platform.

Apr 30, 2021
4 stars
vlingo-auth 1.7.5

vlingo-auth · The reactive, scalable, and resilient authentication and authorization service for VLINGO XOOM Platform components, and also suitable for hosted platform services and applications.

Apr 30, 2021
14 stars

vlingo-symbio-dynamodb · Implementation of xoom-symbio for JDBC.

Apr 30, 2021
2 stars

vlingo-symbio-geode · Implementation of xoom-symbio for Apache Geode

Apr 30, 2021
3 stars
vlingo-zoom 0.9.0-RC1

vlingo-zoom · The reactive, scalable, and resilient authentication and authorization service for vlingo/platform components, and also suitable for hosted platform services and applications.

Oct 12, 2019

vlingo-lattice-exchange-camel · The VLINGO XOOM Lattice extension for Apache Camel

Apr 30, 2021
3 stars

vlingo-scooter · Type safe Actor Model toolkit for reactive concurrency and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages.

Jun 03, 2020

vlingo-xoom-data · The easiest way to jump start your data and storage use with vlingo/xoom and the greater vlingo/PLATFORM.

Jun 03, 2020
vlingo-xoom 1.7.5

vlingo-xoom · The VLINGO XOOM Xoom provides a JVM microframework for the VLINGO XOOM Platform that helps in building high-performance reactive microservices.

Apr 30, 2021
7 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars